The technology of our app is not only built for smart, connected scooters but also non-digital two-wheelers. Modifying the configurations and integrating the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) chip, the app can serve as a standalone companion for vehicles without an in-vehicle infotainment system.
The concept was incepted in car-sharing projects, but we were the first ones to build this functionality for private vehicles. Ujet was ahead of its time in terms of technology, thus facing many hurdles. In 2016, Bluetooth cyphering technology wasn’t safe to easily and securely share access to the scooter. Therefore, we had to build a secure custom cyphering solution. As the Bluetooth technology caught up, we moved back to the Bluetooth sharing system as it was easier to maintain and update. The Ujet companion app is developed to complement our scooter to immediately communicate with our two-wheeler.